Get moving. It’s easy to hunker down in your workspace, then realize you haven’t moved at all except to refill your coffee. Be intentional about getting up and moving around. There are so many at-home workout apps and videos available that you can find something to fit your style. Maybe use your saved commute time to get some movement into your day.

Be mindful. We’ve been talking a lot about sustainable energy lately. Why not use this time to explore mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or breathing exercises?

Take real sick days. Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean you need to work if you’re sick. Take the time you need to get well.

Focus on the positive. While working from home can feel claustrophobic or lonely, focus on the positives – like not spending time (or gas) commuting to work; cooking lunch at home, saving money and likely eating healthier; and spending more time with your significant other, kids, housemates and pets.

Develop habits. Simple patterns of positive behaviors turn into our routine. Developing habits like taking a good cleansing breathe or identifying something you are grateful daily may feel small, but they add up and make us feel better.

Slow things down. It is easier to regulate our emotions when we are calm and in control. Try to develop the mantra STOP: Stop - Take a Breath - Observe - Practice.

Find Hope. There is a lot to grieve during this difficult time but channeling hope and your resilience to get through hardships will help you obtain the emotional boost needed.

It’s OK to not be OK. Our Epic Wellness resources are here to support you through this, and any other tough time in your life. See what's available.